As the jack-o’-lanterns grin and skeletons rattle, it’s the perfect time to unmask our fears and face them head-on. But before you start running from every shadow, let’s explore the difference between real frights and the boogeymen of our imagination. As Mark Twain once said, “My life has been filled with terrible misfortunes, most of […]
The Storm of PTSD
During this PTSD Awareness Month, I’m reminded of my early work with people experiencing extreme trauma. I’ll never forget meeting survivors from the Gulf Coast area after Hurricane Katrina and bearing witness to the rawness of having lived through such an extremely overwhelming experience. Unless one has experienced a traumatic event, it’s hard to fathom […]
Mental Health is Physical Health
May is traditionally Mental Health Awareness month. Since my professional life has been immersed in mental health for so long, I forget that there continues to be a broad lack of understanding about it and that there remains stigma for many in this area. And I guess it surprises me, because I don’t really distinguish […]
The Ghost in the Lorapetalum
She showed up in some shrubs near my carport a few weeks ago, a fleeting ghostly image with a very bold voice. As I would enter and exit my car, she would talk to me loudly as she hid beneath the lorapetalum leaves, eyes eerily shining in the dark. I didn’t know exactly what she […]
Lizard Brain
I’ve had an unusual invasion in my office lately. Lizards. I’ve had lizards in my waiting room, patiently waiting for their turn to be seen. I’ve had lizards in my therapy office, keeping a watchful eye on clients who are distressed. I’ve encouraged more lizards than I’ve ever met before to return to their outdoor […]